God. Others. You.
Bridging the gap between God, others, & you.
Are you ready to take a risk?
Are you ready to take a risk, to bridge the gap between where you are right now in your life, to where you want to be in your relationships with God, others, and yourself?
Risk often feels uncomfortable, sometimes rattling, even exposing. It pushes us. Giving us a choice to leave behind the security of what we know, what we think is safe, to cross over into the unknown. The thing is, we wonder where it will lead. If it’s worth it.
At the same time, we wonder who we are. Why we’re here. If our life has meaning. We also wonder about others. How they connect into our lives. How we might interact and relate to them.
And we wonder about God. How He fits into it all. Does He?
The thing is, right now, we all live in a pretty fragmented, disconnected relational space. The pandemic has only intensified it. In fact, it seems to have made it worse. We’re not only unsure how to get along, but we’re also struggling to talk to each other. Some of us feel alone. Others of us feel left behind. And this is something else we’ve discovered in the pandemic. We actually need and want to be around each other. We’re just not sure how.
How about you? When you think about your relationships, what are they like? How do you relate to others? To God? To yourself?
Could you be ready for something else?
Something that involves a risk?
Or are you content to stay where you are?
Explore your relationship with God
Who is God to you personally? Do you wonder how He connects into your life?
Improve your relationships with others
How well do you relate to others? Would you say you are comfortable cultivating deep, lasting friendships and relationships?
Invest in your relationship with yourself
How well do you know yourself? How do you treat yourself? We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves.

We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them.
(2 Corinthians 5:20, MSG)
Announcing My New Book!
Weaving in my personal story, I introduce the idea of ordinary suffering. Looking specifically how it puts us at risk of walking away from our faith — of giving up on God, ourselves, and each other.
Together, we explore topics like ambiguity, disappointment, manic activity, waiting, perfectionism, rest, and forgiveness.