Journey 2 — Relationship with Others

What About Others?


How Do I Relate With Others?

What are your relationships like? At the office?  In your personal life?  With your friends?  In your casual social groups and activities?  Think about your conversations. How would you describe the way you interact and relate with others?

Right now, we’re living in a pretty fractious, defensive, self-obsessed social space where we’re in need of healing and repair. Some days, it feels like we’re rival competitors, plagued by manipulation, domination, selfishness, and control.

If we’re honest, deep down we’re aware of a nagging sense of being relationally stuck.  We know something’s not quite right.  The pandemic has only magnified it. 

The thing is, we don’t have to live as rivals, defensive and competing, in what seems like an unsafe social space.  It’s not inevitable.  There’s another way.  One where we can live reconciled as men and women, relating to one another in healing, openness, connection, and emotional health. 

This is not a fanciful ideal.  This is God’s vision and heart for us. 

One connected to our choice. 

Right now, reconciliation is our journey back to one another.  Are you ready to jump in, to choose this healing journey with others?

The Rubicon: Others

For Christ himself has brought peace to us . . . he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us . . . together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death.

(Ephesians 2:14,16)

Are you ready to start this healing journey with others?