Join The Rubicon

So, are you ready to join me on this journey? If so, then take the next step and subscribe to The Rubicon.  It’s our weekly blog post meant to engage and energize you to start to think about your relationships with others, God, and yourself.

We all find ourselves at the Rubicon at one point or another in our lives.  It’s a place of decision where we can choose to begin a new journey.  One with the potential for change.  In our relationships with others.  With God.  And even with ourselves.  From this choice, we find the possibility for healing.  For transformation.  For recovery.  For faith.  For forgiveness.  For freedom. Or for something else.

All of us could stay where we are in our relationships with others, with God (in our belief or unbelief), or with ourselves.  Perhaps, right now, your life feels familiar and routine.

And yet, at the Rubicon, at this place of decision, we are given the chance to choose something else.  Even if it seems somewhat mysterious and risky.  The thing is, we will not be the same.  Neither will those around us.


Richard Kenton Webb, The Rubicon (1988-89)

My New Book is Coming Soon!

Weaving in my personal story, I introduce the idea of ordinary suffering.  Looking specifically how it puts us at risk of walking away from our faith — of giving up on God, ourselves, and each other.

Together, we explore topics like ambiguity, disappointment, manic activity, waiting, perfectionism, rest, and forgiveness.