Journey 1 — Relationship with God

Who is God to you?


God, I want to know You.

Do you wonder how God personally connects into your life? 

How to relate to Him?

How He relates to you?

Think about it this way, when you hear the word “flourishing,” do you think it describes you spiritually?

To understand this more, how would you answer these questions — Are you comfortable speaking to God?  Sharing what’s in your mind and on your heart to Him?  Like stress?  Excitement?  Plans?  Thoughts?  Expectations?  Longings?

Do you think He’s listening?  Do you think He personally cares for you?

Contrary to popular thinking, in the Bible, we discover a relationship with God is not a transaction we initiate based on what we do or how we feel.  It’s also not about checking something off a “to do” list.  But a relationship with God is a journey that starts with Him.  It begins with His relentless love for us.  A love that involves God’s whole heart.  He wants it to involve our whole heart with Him too.

So our heart — what we think, how we feel, and the way we act — matters.  The health of our heart deeply matters to God.  The thing is, in a personal relationship, God wants you to be reconciled to Him, in forgiveness through love.  Not guilt.  Or shame.  Or obligation.  Or rules.  But from His love that is always inviting you to Him. Always.

Are you ready to take this journey, to explore and discover a personal relationship with God or to renew your relationship with Him?

The Rubicon: God

For Christ himself has brought peace to us . . . he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us . . . together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death.

(Ephesians 2:14,16)

Explore a relationship with God now.