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God. Others. You.

Bridging the gap between God, others, & you

You Meg Saunders You Meg Saunders

But What If?

But what if accessing and expressing compassion is not something that comes naturally to you?

Does it matter?

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others Meg Saunders others Meg Saunders

Compassion: And Who is My Enemy?

Guest Writer: my husband, Justin Bradbury

If we’re honest, a lot of us are living life on the defensive. Fearful, we attack and diminish others, if not out loud, then under our breath.

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders


Would you rather hang out with someone who acts compassionately towards you, who genuinely desires to see you grow and flourish?

Or someone who is out for themselves, who selfishly schemes and postures to get ahead?

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders

Connectivity vs Community

Guest Writer: my husband, Justin Bradbury

We speak of poor connectivity when our technology coverage is threatened. More patchy, still, can be our human relationships and our true-worth relationship with God and ourselves. Instability and insecurity stalk us by our own consent. Technology is both a boon and a threat in our hands. Social media is making us less social, more flimsily connected and isolated from each  other.

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others Meg Saunders others Meg Saunders


But, what if, rather than feeling a sense of permanence, we struggle with being disjointed? It’s a sense of separation from ourselves and others. Even from God. We can feel fragmented.  Disconnected.

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You Meg Saunders You Meg Saunders


There was a time in my life, in my late 30s and early 40s, when it seemed God was more impersonal. I didn’t understand very much about being created in the image of God.

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders

Whose Image?

God’s image doesn’t exist solely in the man alone or the woman alone. But, fully, in the woman and man together. United.

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You Meg Saunders You Meg Saunders

Gray Space

With any vision from God, there’s waiting. Yet, we struggle with it. I don’t think it's popular.  Or something we like.  Desire.  Or seek.

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders

Daydream or Vision?

It’s easy for us to daydream, isn’t it? God, on the other hand, is not a daydreamer. He creates visions.

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders

God Begins Things

To believe God for something significant can feel foolish. Especially when we see no movement. Or the circumstances actually seem to be going in the opposite direction of the desire.

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You Meg Saunders You Meg Saunders

Keeping It Real About Offense

I think it’s important to keep the conversation about offense real. To continue to look into our own inner lives. And think about the ways we relate to those in our relationships who are offending us.

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God Meg Saunders God Meg Saunders

The Power of Mercy

Offense is at the heart of our world events at the moment. It is screaming out in conversations about the Middle East. Yelling for a reaction. Crying out for people to take sides. Insisting on a reaction and revenge.

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You Meg Saunders You Meg Saunders

What is Shaping Your Life Right Now?

For months this question has been rolling around inside my head.

Is it the press and stress of finances?

Or a seemingly lost relationship?

Is it the feeling of unhappiness at work?

Or the sense of fading dreams?

Is it a child going his/her own way?

Or aging parents?

What immediately comes to mind?

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