God’s Kindness
Do you think God is mostly kind?
Or do you think He’s someone else altogether?
“Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” (Romans 2:4).
Maybe you can relate a bit to my story. As a child, the predominant narrative I heard about God growing up sounded something like this: I’m a terrible, sinful person, therefore, God came to earth to save me from going to hell. Even though there are bits of truth in it, as a young girl, this representation of God seriously distorted His full, authentic identity to me.
I know I carried this perception into adulthood believing, as many of us do, that God is often angry, critical, condemning, and hardly ever pleased.
The thing is, I knew nothing about the kindness of God. That, actually, it’s His kindness that is meant to bring me to Him, not a fear of hell. Looking back, it’s unfortunate that I wasn’t introduced to God as He authentically is, especially to His kindness, as revealed in the Bible.
In Greek, kindness means God’s “affection,” “generosity,” “gentleness,” and “goodness.” Can you imagine God relating to you like this?
Today, ask God to speak to you. Perhaps start with something like this: “Jesus, what do You want me to know right now about Your kindness?” Spend 5 minutes listening to His response. If you can, write down what you sense Him saying to you.