You Are Known
You Are Known
Are you aware that God personally knows you?
“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121:1-2).
Look up! The writer tells us to look up. Literally, to raise our head. To pull it up! To stop walking with our head down. He wants us to realize where our help is located. Is it found in a strategic plan? Another person? Living perfectly? A job? A bank account? Social media? Or something else? No! The answer is clear. Our help, our care, come from the One who keeps us. The One who is present with us, by our side, “The Lord Himself” (5).
“The Lord Himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade . . . The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life” (Psalm 121:5,7).
God is with us. He personally knows us. Not from a distance, but with us. This means we’re not combating the circumstances or questions in our life on our own. That’s how we begin to think when we’re looking down. The psalmist is convinced God knows us 100 percent.
He’s also convinced that God’s actively involved in the details of our lives. Not generally. Not when it suits Him. Not when He feels like it. But all the time. Twenty-four hours, seven days a week. Personally.
He says it like this, “Both now and forever” (8). This means all the time. It is how God knows us.
Take a moment and personalize this psalm. Turn it into a conversational prayer with God. He desires for you to look up. To see His presence with you. To realize you are known intimately by Him. And daily cared for by Him.