Many of us are disconnected from our true selves, the person God created us to be.
We sense it emotionally, inside us, and relationally, as we interact with others.
Many of us are disconnected from our true selves, the person God created us to be. We sense it emotionally, inside us, and relationally, as we interact with others. But we’re not sure why. We’re also not sure how to change it. The thing is, we wander from job to job, from relationship to relationship, from friendship to friendship without plumbing the depths of any of them.
There’s something inside us that feels frustrated and restless, sometimes even angry. Being connected with ourselves seems elusive. Some days, it’s just downright impossible. And yet, we try, don’t we? It shows up in our glitzy, clever social media posts. In our jam-packed social lives. And in our obsessive focus on our outward appearance. Every attempt to be connected involves our desire to feel okay about ourselves.
And yet, inside, our disconnection persists despite all our best efforts. They only seem to magnify our sense of feeling vacant and fragmented.
I’ve been there. I can still be here. Sometimes I coast to try to distance myself from the disconnection I feel.
So, how do we move toward connection? Especially, relationally, with ourselves? Is it possible to connect with our true selves, with the man or woman God created us to be?
Yes, I think so. I also think it may not be as complicated or out-of-reach as we might imagine. To begin, let’s start with honesty. Truthfully acknowledge where you are inside and how it makes you feel. Think about it, if you feel frustrated, recognize it. If you feel restless, admit it. If you feel yourself wandering around relationally, acknowledge it. Then, write it down.
Moving toward connection starts with being honest about our disconnection and our emotions associated with it.
Perhaps, too, read a Psalm from the Bible. They are full of real life — thoughts, feelings, and longings. Look at how the writer connects into his emotions and himself.
Whatever you do right now, don’t be too hard on yourself. It is possible for each of us to begin to live in connection with ourselves. To know who we are, the person God created us to be.