Does my sex make a difference?
How does it contribute to who I am?
How can I know?
We live in a wider culture that seems caught up in a blowing wind of changing identity. It used to be we altered our personality based on the people around us. Now, we question our very essence.
Why am I here?
Does my sex make a difference?
How does it contribute to who I am?
How can I know?
These are deep, penetrating questions. Each one is intense and real. They are important, not only for our mental well-being, but also for our relational well-being with others and ourself, our emotions, and our spiritual life.
Can you imagine when God created you, He blessed you? Your identity? Your body? The inmost part of you? Can you imagine He declares you to be unique and valued?
God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them . . . Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! (Genesis 1:27-28, 31, NLT).
To bless someone is to say words of life and hope to them and over them. Blessing imparts vision that can cause a person to flourish. Perhaps even to give a different perspective. One that positively influences them.
Think about it.
How does it make you feel when someone affirms you? When a person points out your preciousness? Recognizes your personal gifts? Do you stand a bit taller? With a bit more confidence and assurance in who you are?
This is the starting point of blessing.
It tells the truth.
Expressing it in love.
This causes life in us, not confusion, depression, anxiety, or fear.
Reflective Response: What kind of blessing do you think God says to you, specifically to you? Write down what you sense . . . .