Live Alive!
As we start this year, I’m wondering: What does it mean to live alive?
How do you do it?
It’s been months since I last wrote. Lots has been going on for Justin and me. However, as we turn the page to a new year, it’s my hope that I will begin to write regularly again. It’s also my hope to begin to post on Instagram and Facebook too.
As we start this year, I’m wondering: What does it mean to live alive?
How do you do it?
So much of our day-to-day life is lived just trying to get to Friday. We can become so distracted by what we are unhappy about and what we feel victimized by that we begin to lose our ability to be aware of ourselves. To be content with who we are.
How well do you know yourself?
How does your knowledge influence how you treat yourself?
Does it impact how you relate to and treat those around you?
To live alive is vital for the health of ourselves. But in thinking about our lives, it’s never solely just about us.
This is often where we get stuck.
We are so unhappy with who we are, that we are constantly trying to change ourselves. In doing so, we become tunnel focused. And everything and everyone around us gets blurred out.
We struggle to see ourselves clearly.
To realize we are not the center of our lives.
This impacts the way we see others.
I struggle with this too.
And in my awareness, I wonder what it means to live alive. Not just with myself (thinking about and answering the questions above). But with my husband. With my friends. At work. Even with strangers around me, in my town.
How do I, how do we, together, as men and women, live alive?