Stop Hesitating. Step Out!
What in your life are you hesitating doing?
Many of us are low on hope because we’re stalling. Dragging our feet. Standing still. Where is it for you?
What in your life are you hesitating doing?
Many of us are low on hope because we’re stalling. Dragging our feet. Standing still.
Where is it for you?
Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12 ESV).
John builds on Jesus’ declaration by insisting, “Walk in the light, as he is in the light” (1 John 1:7 ESV). So, be honest with yourself, where in your life are you standing still? Stalling? Not walking forward?
Is it hesitating buying a new house?
Charting a new career path?
Taking a risk with a new relationship?
Going back to school?
Forgiving someone?
Quitting your job? Starting something new?
Following Jesus, instead of yourself?
It’s impossible to walk forward or to follow someone if we’re standing still. Both imply forward motion. And stillness is its opposite. Motionlessness also hampers hope. In fact, it seems to create darkness. The very opposite of light. The exact opposite of hope.
The thing is, hope is risky. Moving forward is risky. Following is risky. Any one of them can lead to disappointment, confusion, a broken heart, exposure, or even anger. We could trip. Lose our way. Wander off. We could also give up on Jesus and start to chart our own path, even calling it God’s path.
But Jesus doesn’t get bogged down in the what ifs. He invites us to know Him. To follow Him. The One who is the light of the world. This is hope. As we said last week, hope is relational namely because it’s located in Someone. In Jesus. It’s not something we need to dig deep to generate.
Despite the fact that we may hesitate or cower in fear, Jesus is certain. His light is not only bright, but it’s also consistent. He is always full of hope. In fact, in Jesus, light and hope are inseparable.
It’s time to listen to His voice and stop equivocating. Unless He’s deliberately telling you to wait, it’s time to step out and follow Him.
So, I ask again, where in your life are you hesitating right now?