What or Who Offends You?
What or who offends you?
When we’re offended, our response is almost always negative. Cutting. Even abusive.
As we continue to think about what’s shaping our lives right now, I wonder about offense? Often, we read something, hear something, or watch something that immediately offends us. Ticks us off. Makes us angry. Annoys us.
I’m finding this is more and more cropping up pretty quickly within myself. How does it affect you?
When we’re offended, our response is almost always negative. Cutting. Even abusive.
Looking at our public discourse, it’s full of this behavior. It goes something like this: We hear something we disagree with, from someone we disagree with, and immediately we react. Make an assumption. Cast a judgement. Get irritated. Feel threatened. Call someone a name. Wish them ill. Write them off.
Do you agree? Do you think that listening and speaking intelligently to someone we disagree with is a lost art in our ever-increasing offended culture?
If this is true, then it makes me wonder about mercy. Does it still exist? If so, then how does it make a difference in our relationships that seem to be so saturated in offense? Next week, we’ll explore this more.
In the meantime…
Let’s pay attention to our reactions in our relationships when we disagree. Consider writing down what’s pushing your buttons when you find yourself making judgements. Getting annoyed. Dismissing someone. Even calling them a name.
Try to slow down in making a snap assumption that may or may not be true.
Instead of reacting right away in offense, try to imagine how you would want someone to respond to you. Also, try to imagine how you think God responds to you.