Body Shaming
How many times a day do you say something negative or condemning to yourself about your looks, your weight, your complexion, or your physique?
How do the messages make you feel?
Hiding and shame often lead to something toxic in our view of ourselves. Its poisonous lie infects our relationships. Many of us don’t realize how ingrained it is in our thinking — it’s called body shaming.
How many times a day do you say something negative or condemning to yourself about your looks, your weight, your complexion, or your physique? What’s your reaction? How do the messages make you feel? What’s their outcome?
Part of the reason we hide from others is because we feel shame. Remember? Shame accuses us of being unworthy, telling us we’re the problem. It accuses us, taunts us, tells us we’re unloved, unwanted, and rejected.
Shame is always a liar!
Have you ever considered the way you were created by God? Can you conceive that He intentionally gave you your body? Do you think it is “fearfully and wonderfully” made (Psalm 139:14, NIV)?
From my experience, my body shaming results from an incessant, nearly instinctual impulse to compare myself to others. It is habitual most days. And it’s always negative. Always! Leaving behind this way of thinking requires something on my part. Something proactive and intentional, a renewed mind.
Renewing our mind doesn’t mean we repeat a mantra everyday, declaring how wonderful we are. Rather, it’s a deep, dependent prayer, stemming from our need and our desire to think about ourselves differently. A renewed mind is fueled by the Spirit of God.
If you find yourself often criticizing and condemning your body through shaming, would you be willing to pray a prayer? This week, I invite you to consider taking steps away from self-distortion and condemnation, and toward the vision God has of your body.
Reflective Response: Father, Your Word says, “You knit me together in my mother’s womb” and that I am Your “masterpiece” (Psalm 139:13 & Ephesians 2:10, NLT). Today, rather than judging and condemning myself, I choose Your perspective. “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous” (Psalm 139:14, NLT).
Holy Spirit, renew my mind with Your view of me. Transform the way I see myself. Give me Your eyes to see my body rightly. Give me Your mind to think about how to treat myself with kindness, generosity, and respect. I need Your help! Already, today, I feel like I’m stumbling in my thoughts. But I won’t give up! I’m committed to stop this terrible habit of body shaming. Come, Holy Spirit, come, and renew my mind. I trust You are with me, helping me each step of the way. Amen.