Whose Image?
God’s image doesn’t exist solely in the man alone or the woman alone.
But, fully, in the woman and man together. United.
Continuing our conversation . . .
What message did you see and hear from the photo? (“Seeing Rightly” article from April 8, 2024).
How did it make you feel?
Was it subtle? Obvious? Disrespectful? Derogatory? Uplifting?
Seeing each other rightly as men and women leads us to relate in healthy ways with one anotherr. While seeing with distortion or unclearly doesn’t. It leads to what we’re currently experiencing in our antagonistic, relational culture: anger, misunderstanding, friction, discrimination, prejudice, and disunity.
As previously mentioned, when God created us as men and women, when He brought us to life, He pronounced us “very good” (Gen 1:31).
But there’s more. And “the more” is part of what it means to see and relate rightly to one another as men and women.
Genesis 1 also tells us that God created us in His image.
So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them (Gen 1:27, NLT).
Unlike any other created thing, for men and women, God created human beings in His image. This means God’s image doesn’t exist solely in the man alone or the woman alone. But, fully, in the woman and man together. United. In partnership. Side-by-side. Living. Working.
In all things.
Since God’s image is within every one of us, together, not separate, as men and women, we get to show each other who God is and what He is like.
Think about the way we treat one another — how we relate, what we say, how we act — if we’re controlling or listening, dominating or forgiving, disrespectful or receptive, coercive or approachable, manipulative or loving, among others.
In all the ways we relate to each other, we will either show others who God is, or we won’t.
The implications cannot be overstated. More and more, people are longing to see, literally see with their eyes, men and women together modeling God’s image on earth.
If we do this, then others will experience God and His nature. Especially, relational healing, forgiveness, safety, faithfulness, compassion, respect, kindness, sacrificial love, and mutual well-being.
Can you think of a man and woman, who together, either at work or in your personal/social life, exemplify this to you? Perhaps reach out to them this week thanking them for their positive influence in your life.