The Voice of Truth, with Love
The voice of Truth, with love.
Since God never hesitates or hides from us relationally, but instead, always pursues us and continually speaks to us, what does He say?
Since God never hesitates or hides from us relationally, but instead, always pursues us and continually speaks to us, what does He say? Think about it personally, what’s been your experience of listening to His voice of love this past week?
Adam replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.” “Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?” (Gen. 3:10-11, NLT).
God always tells us the Truth! Always. It may be hard for some of us to hear. Or it may seem like a breath of fresh air, even if it’s not exactly what we want to hear. Either way, we will always hear the Truth.
Equally, God never plays games with us. Adam and Eve may be hiding because of feelings of fear, but that's never God’s M.O. with us. As we said last week, He’s always coming after us, looking for us, taking us seriously, pursuing us in love.
The thing is, God’s actions or blunt communication might rattle us. That’s okay. He’s being direct to expose our behavior — hiding and fear. Not to crush us. God always acts to bring us to a place of clarity, for repentance, so that He can heal us.
Unlike some of our human experiences, Truth with God is always a loving experience.
Reflective Response: This week, pull out your journal. Write about a time when God spoke to you in Truth, with love. How did it make you feel? What was the outcome?